Friday, December 17, 2010

Saddle Up

As a result of the discourse in the media, the weakest minds among us continue to be fed their daily dose of stupidity. They're just idiots being played by a manipulative media that can't come to grips that Sarah Palin is bringing the right message to America. They play games not only in the broadcast media, but online as well. It's time to engage them.

It's time for Palin's minions to spread out across the country and rhetorically bust some heads and flip some tables.

I just did a Google search "Palin Good Morning America" and this is what came up first: "Good Morning America's" painfully friendly interview with Sarah Palin‎. This piece of printer toilet paper basically complained that the interview didn't fit their meme on Sarah Palin so they decided to attack Robin Roberts for being too "softball." They left out the fact that Roberts used and outlier poll to asked Palin why she loses to Obama by 22 points in "a latest poll." Roberts conducted a mature and adult-like interview where she asked both hard and soft questions of Palin and allowed Palin to deliver her answers rather than goad her into a gaffe or cut the thing on the edit room floor to highlight a misspeak or a questionable answer ideologically. Salon's Alex Pareene was obviously frustrated by the fact that Palin aced the interview and so he took it out on the Roberts.

Unfortunately, communication with negative people sometimes has to be in their own language. And while thinking positive, being happy and having an optimistic outlook toward the future will always be our basis for success, it doesn't work so well when someone's taking a swing at you. So let's translate this Palin movement into their language and suck out all their energy. Let's beat the ever living rhetorical crap out of them, kick them to the curb and come out ready for the 2012 primary season.

The country needs to know that the Palin army is ready to put it on the line. It's not enough for us to be happy in our strength because Oprah Winfrey declined to answer the question if Palin is qualified for president knowing what type of blowback she would face. It will only be enough when every moron who is still left over from the idiocracy that allowed Obama to get elected in 2008 is zapped by the rhetorical laser whenever they open up their crap spewer.

You want to whine and complain about Palin? Fine. You want to prove to the rest of us why you're a moron? Fine. But we're going to be all over you. That's right, you can accuse us of "totalitarian tactics" and vicious rhetoric. But if you're going to do that, don't hate the player, hate your game. You freaks of nature who have been frothing at the mouth and spewing all kinds of vomit at the mere mention of Sarah Palin's name, guess what: you're not going to do it unchecked anymore.

Palin army, look at this dirtbag:

Over 100 people retweeted this. The idiocracy is alive and well in America. When over 100 people can join with a lament about bears not killing Sarah Palin in the woods, this country still has a major problem.

America should have people that have a right to their opinion. America should have people who can disagree with Sarah Palin. But there is no place in America for a kind of destructive thought where people wish bad things on other people for no other reason than their own self loathing. "Projection is a defense mechanism that involves taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people," according to

We owe it to these people to smack it back at them and force them to look into the mirror and see their own ugly selves. If we have to help them out by flaming them, attacking them on Twitter or going to war with them, oh well. These people cannot be allowed to roam amongst us unchecked or unnoticed. We must point them out and rhetorically undress them before their peers and fellow ideologues.

We should be willing to destroy these people with same zest and vigor that they expend in their desire to destroy Sarah Palin.

We are in a culture war. There can be no faltering and no failing. When someone can't act like an adult and argue their point without wishing for bears to eat someone in the woods or attack you as being a moron, take the first rhetorical swing. Don't be meek.

Let's smack the crap out of the nest.

The time has come to saddle up. It sucks dealing in negativity. But psychological chemotherapy is never pretty if you need it to kill the mental cancer that negativity brings.

UPDATE: On the website of Salon magazine, a letter which calls for Sarah Palin to be electrocuted by a cattle prod wielded by convicted dog abuser Michael Vick is prominently displayed. -Texas For Sarah Palin

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