Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Watching Porn on MSNBC

A tweet from @shannynmoore: "This qualifies as porn for Alaskan liberals...well, OK, me." http://bit.ly/2NfGhj from TweetDeck

Keith Olbermann continues his Palin Derangement Syndrome. It's great to know that everytime Sarah Palin says or writes something, the guy goes into froth mouthed convulsions on national TV. I love the teeth clenching, too. It just makes it that much funnier to watch.

Sadly, though, the guy is a hate infested individual with serious woman issues.

And, if you consider that he is a dick, seeing him on TV would qualify as porn.

Here's Lou Dobbs on the "sick clown:"

Here's a good Red Eye Segment:

John Gibson Takes Olbermann to Task:

Greg Gutfeld and Andy Levy were filling in for John Gibson on the radio:

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