I attacked someone on Twitter tonight. Yeah, it wasn't the nicest thing to do. But imagine if you're Sarah Palin and you're being attacked relentlessly for two years. And then your supporters were being attacked relentlessly. Well, we're still still standing and we're ready to fight any moron who wants to open their big fat mouth. People who have done dick with their lives - never written a book, never ran for office, never put it on the line - can go on Twitter and just bash. But do it back to them and they flip out like a spineless wuss who can't take it.
Crybabies have no place in this movement. We weed em out early and spit out em out. The battle to take back our country is not for the sensitive or the negative or the person who doesn't know how to respond when attacked. Their response is to be stupid.
They know nothing but to reach within the depths of their decrepid souls and just come back and attack more and more. Like rabid animals, they can't handle it. They become unhinged, unglued.
Then they become self righteous. Like they're outraged you called them a bad name or because you attacked them. Awwwwwww, sorry, little man. I guess you can dish it out but you can't take it.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
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