The entire liberal moronosphere just went into convulsions after Saturday's Restoring Honor rally in Washington, D.C. And that's a good thing. It means our side is so effective now. Liberals who used to strong arm us with their pens like feet on our throats are now finding they are the ones with our feet on their throats. And they are desperate. Desperate, I tell you.
The "army" showed up in Washington, DC to tell America that we are preparing to take it back. We are going to return to God and ask for His divine mercy as we ratchet up what will the biggest push in the war against liberalism so far: the taking of Capitol Hill. These liberals who have made it a struggle for us to get up the side of the hill upon which sits the city are about to be met with the resounding thunder that will emanate from ballot boxes across the land. We will be halfway home when we secure a majority in Congress.
When the sewer rats of the left find themselves confronted with truth and are startled to fear by the light that shines on them in their darkness, they attack. They have no other option but to unsheathe their rhetorical swords and go for the kill. Unable to win the hearts and minds of the people while standing on a rickety foundation overlooking the waste land of their morally bankrupt ideology, they cling to their worn out dogma. In the absence of facts, they launch personal attacks.
And so we come to Beau Friedlander who is so desperate and who has nothing left in his arsenal that he is offering $100,000 for anything that will destroy Glenn Beck's character. That's a pretty cheap price for a soul. I'm sure Satan will find someone to take the money. Satan actually can score big on the deal because the souls of the people putting up the money, Friedlander's soul and the soul of the poor sap who delivers the goods can all be his for a measly hundred grand.
Maybe Friedlander doesn't realize this, but Glenn Beck was a drunk who probably has a wing built on his house just so he has a big enough closet for his skeletons. We already know that the story of Glenn Beck is that of a wretch who has turned back to God and who is now seeking his redemption and salvation. Which direction are you liberals going in, Beau?
Are we supposed to believe that those who peddle negativity, smear and dirt should have any influence on how Americans make their political and moral decisions? How gut wrenchingly disgusting it is that a wing of any political movement in America can believe that attacking and smearing a man who has atoned for his sins and found God is the way to winning a political argument. Word to Beau Friedlander: those who continue to peddle Satan's wares and build the chute down which they would like to push the likes of Beck and Palin will only find that they themselves will eventually end up going down that very chute. The Left continues to manifest the monsters of their inner negativity with their false caricatures of those they oppose. Those monsters will come back to destroy them.
Trying to get the good and righteous ones down into the sewer with all the rats is just one fat, drunk and stupid way to go through political life. We see the fear in the eyes of the sewer rats because they are afraid. They are afraid that their hoodwink may be over. They are afraid the truth may prevail and America will see the light and cast them from our political debate.
Glenn Beck found the antidote and he gave it to us on Saturday. What does the left fear most? God. God represents a higher morality that exposes their shortcoming and inner weaknesses by juxtaposition. As such, those who seek God and who seek to restore our nation's honor are seen as a threat. Some liberals may say they believe in God, but are they willing to follow Him or would they rather justify their sins at the altar of moral relativism? Only God can confer righteousness on us and only we can seek that righteousness from God. In the absence of striving for that higher standard and that way of the Lord or in resistance to it, the Left is simply left with being and nothingness.
When we speak about restoring honor and when we talk about coming back to God, it is for liberals as if the entire conservative movement just poured buckets of holy water on them. And because they are so riddled with Satan's spiritual cancer which works so well with liberalism's ideological cancer, they are just writhing in pain.
We need to pray for people like Beau Friedlander and anyone else who finds a problem with finding our way back to God.
UPDATED: Glenn Beck addresses the Huffpo article. Newsbusters address the article. The article has since been pulled by the editors at Huffpo.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Palin shirks off 2-6 slump with clean sweep of Tuesday's primaries
There are liberals on ledges everywhere. The carnage is everywhere. Across America, thousands of writers are either tearing up or deleting pre-written columns forecasting the demise of a Sarah Palin who couldn't even affect the outcome of a primary in her own home state. Palin lost three heartbreakers with Tiahrt in Kansas, Handel in Georgia and Rita Meyer in Wyoming in the past weeks leaving liberals with much to spin. But the sting is gone after four landslides and a squeaker in Alaska. Palin was 5-5 last night and brought her endorsement record up to a whopping 20-10 (21-10 if Miller becomes official). Today, liberals lament and face facts: Sarah Palin is a political giant.
Palin's losses in many cases were heartbreakers. Yeah, there was the occasional Clint Didier who got his butt kicked, but overall the liberals can't spin it. Even her losses make her look good because the candidates she endorsed would have probably lost by bigger margins without her.
Miller's win would indeed be the sweetest of all wins for Palin who can now stare down the haters and the morons in Alaska and say "resistance is futile." Sarah Palin owns Alaska. With Sean Parnell a lock for re-election and the removal of RINO Lisa Murkowski, Sarah Palin has proven that what she said during her resignation speech was right. She has proven that she is better able to effect change without the title than she would have with it.
There's no way that Palin could have survived this election had she remained governor. She was not a lame duck, she was a sitting duck.
The genius of Palin is evident in a resignation that detractors will use against her if she ever runs for office again. But, properly communicated, Palin's defense will simply be to remind people that she pulled off the ultimate political Kobayashi Maru. She beat the no win scenario.
Today Sarah Palin owns Alaska. She also owns a good chunk of America with chits in California, Massachussetts, Virginia, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida and Texas. There's probably more, but I don't want to rub it in.
Okay, I do.
Lisa Murkowski's chickens have come home to roost.
Rachel Rose Hartman writes:
Writers were prepared today to unleash a barage of columns proclaiming the Palin era dead. Despite winning 4 of 5 endorsements, spinsters were prepared to turn the Alaska primary into an issue of "they hate her in Alaska so why should the rest of us in the lower 48 think differently." It was not only a tremendous upset, it was a must win for Palin.
Palin hater Malia Whitman wrote:
I'd love to tell the haters, the RINOs and the liberals that "this Bud's for you." But the fact of the matter is, it's Miller time! Read em and weep, PDS sufferers, progressives, liberal bloggers, mainstream media morons and whoever else would like to take credit for the sliming and smearing of Sarah Palin. Since 2008, you have been feeding Americans the type of crap that Whitman has been writing on her blog. It's the same garbage that has been written by the mainstream media and the unhinged blogs that you see on Whitman's blogroll. America is no longer buying it. The media is dead. Today, you are all being served a dish of schadenfreude and it is ice cold.
On our side Mike Huckabee can whine all he wants about endorsements not meaning anything, but the fact of the matter is he (with the exception of his endorsement for Miller) and all the other 2012 GOP hopefuls got their butts whooped last night. I'm not normally one to bash other Republicans. So let me say this as nicely as I can. The writing on the wall just got bigger and more readable. You guys are all a bunch of good Republicans, and you're all a bunch of nice guys. But we are going to have to start waking up to the fact that Sarah Palin has sent a message: the Republican Party is about to change, and change for the better.
Sarah Palin was big when she ran for VP. She got bigger when she did her book tour. She just leveled up again. The liberal's manifested monster is getting stronger and stronger. It's time to face facts. She will be a behemoth by the time 2012 rolls around.
There are liberals on ledges everywhere. The carnage is everywhere. Across America, thousands of writers are either tearing up or deleting pre-written columns forecasting the demise of a Sarah Palin who couldn't even affect the outcome of a primary in her own home state. Palin lost three heartbreakers with Tiahrt in Kansas, Handel in Georgia and Rita Meyer in Wyoming in the past weeks leaving liberals with much to spin. But the sting is gone after four landslides and a squeaker in Alaska. Palin was 5-5 last night and brought her endorsement record up to a whopping 20-10 (21-10 if Miller becomes official). Today, liberals lament and face facts: Sarah Palin is a political giant.
Palin's losses in many cases were heartbreakers. Yeah, there was the occasional Clint Didier who got his butt kicked, but overall the liberals can't spin it. Even her losses make her look good because the candidates she endorsed would have probably lost by bigger margins without her.
Miller's win would indeed be the sweetest of all wins for Palin who can now stare down the haters and the morons in Alaska and say "resistance is futile." Sarah Palin owns Alaska. With Sean Parnell a lock for re-election and the removal of RINO Lisa Murkowski, Sarah Palin has proven that what she said during her resignation speech was right. She has proven that she is better able to effect change without the title than she would have with it.
There's no way that Palin could have survived this election had she remained governor. She was not a lame duck, she was a sitting duck.
The genius of Palin is evident in a resignation that detractors will use against her if she ever runs for office again. But, properly communicated, Palin's defense will simply be to remind people that she pulled off the ultimate political Kobayashi Maru. She beat the no win scenario.
Today Sarah Palin owns Alaska. She also owns a good chunk of America with chits in California, Massachussetts, Virginia, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida and Texas. There's probably more, but I don't want to rub it in.
Okay, I do.
Lisa Murkowski's chickens have come home to roost.
Rachel Rose Hartman writes:
Instead of keeping quiet about the governor's decision, Murkowski went public with her criticism. "I am deeply disappointed that the governor has decided to abandon the state and her constituents before her term has concluded," Murkowski said at the time. The news was blasted over the media throughout the Independence Day weekend.Murkowski's roasting of Sarah Palin after the resignation and subsequent sliming of the "death panels" comment cost her the election. It's not that you don't diss Sarah Palin. It's that you don't diss a fellow Republican like that. She did Sarah Palin, the Alaska Republican party and the state of Alaska wrong when she did not point the finger at the liberals and the ankle biters for the resignation and because she became so wishy washy on Obamacare that she would rather denegrate "death panels" than cheerlead it to support a Republican position against the health care reform law.
Then, the following month, Murkowski hit out at Palin's "death panel" talk, saying the former governor was inciting fear and inventing lies.
Writers were prepared today to unleash a barage of columns proclaiming the Palin era dead. Despite winning 4 of 5 endorsements, spinsters were prepared to turn the Alaska primary into an issue of "they hate her in Alaska so why should the rest of us in the lower 48 think differently." It was not only a tremendous upset, it was a must win for Palin.
Palin hater Malia Whitman wrote:
A Dittman Research poll in April found Palin’s popularity in Alaska has continued to fall to 46% approval. “I would expect Sarah’s going to be very embarrassed by the results Tuesday,” said Republican pollster Marc Hellenthal. “She’s been delivering everybody else’s state but she won’t be able to deliver her own.”What the hell is a Dittman poll anyway?
On our side Mike Huckabee can whine all he wants about endorsements not meaning anything, but the fact of the matter is he (with the exception of his endorsement for Miller) and all the other 2012 GOP hopefuls got their butts whooped last night. I'm not normally one to bash other Republicans. So let me say this as nicely as I can. The writing on the wall just got bigger and more readable. You guys are all a bunch of good Republicans, and you're all a bunch of nice guys. But we are going to have to start waking up to the fact that Sarah Palin has sent a message: the Republican Party is about to change, and change for the better.
Sarah Palin was big when she ran for VP. She got bigger when she did her book tour. She just leveled up again. The liberal's manifested monster is getting stronger and stronger. It's time to face facts. She will be a behemoth by the time 2012 rolls around.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Nicked by Keith Olbermann's Sword
As I swagger back into camp having wreaked some havoc in the land of the liberals on my blog and BlogTalk Radio show, the words of Jedediah Bila stand out in my head. If you're not being attacked by liberals then you are doing something wrong.
So last night I looked through my emails. Nothing. I checked my Facebook page. Nothing. I checked my Twitter page. Nothing.
Ah, but today fellow warriors, things have changed. I was attacked by three trolls on Twitter, and another over at my Townhall blog.
But in the course of the day's battle, I came across a tweet that I felt was worth re-tweeting. I didn't write it, I simply re-tweeted it.
So as I indulge in my periodic allusions to the mythical world of Kings and Queens and guillotines (watch the amazing video here), and I describe the political fight for taking back our country in a more poetically licensed way, allow me to proudly show you all my war wound. It's a light cut across the forearm that should earn me respect from my fellow warriors. Yes, my friends, that was Keith Olbermann's sword that nicked me.
Okay, so I haven't reached the pinnacle of pinnacles or been crowned with the greatest crown of crowns - one only to be hoisted on the heads of such great warriors as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin. I have not made it to the coveted list of Worst Person in the World. But street cred is street cred and I am the ish even if for just a quick moment.
So last night I looked through my emails. Nothing. I checked my Facebook page. Nothing. I checked my Twitter page. Nothing.
Ah, but today fellow warriors, things have changed. I was attacked by three trolls on Twitter, and another over at my Townhall blog.
But in the course of the day's battle, I came across a tweet that I felt was worth re-tweeting. I didn't write it, I simply re-tweeted it.
So as I indulge in my periodic allusions to the mythical world of Kings and Queens and guillotines (watch the amazing video here), and I describe the political fight for taking back our country in a more poetically licensed way, allow me to proudly show you all my war wound. It's a light cut across the forearm that should earn me respect from my fellow warriors. Yes, my friends, that was Keith Olbermann's sword that nicked me.
Okay, so I haven't reached the pinnacle of pinnacles or been crowned with the greatest crown of crowns - one only to be hoisted on the heads of such great warriors as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin. I have not made it to the coveted list of Worst Person in the World. But street cred is street cred and I am the ish even if for just a quick moment.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Meet the New Brigade of Warriors: Mama Grizzlies
We have been clanging rhetorical swords with the enemy since she ran for vice president. There is Team Sarah, the Ordinary Barbarians, the Palinistas, Jews for Palin, Hillary Supporters for Palin, Gay Patriots for Palin and so on and so on. The list goes on. Sarah Palin has formed her own team as well. They are the Mama Grizzlies.
From Facebook:
Now come on, show me some love for putting Lisa Murkowski's head on a Rhino.
From Facebook:
I support them because they boldly shake things up in their primary races. They don’t just sit on the sidelines whining; instead, they are in the arena fighting for commonsense constitutional conservative solutions; and in their oft-characterized (and enormously challenging) “underdog” status, they all exemplify the qualities of a winner who will serve admirably and for all the right reasons.The head Mama Grizzly wastes no time in going after the loony leftists on Emily list. But like Harrison Ford in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" who sees a silly man trying to show off his moves with his sword, Palin can't feign enough outrage as she fights back the smile like the principal in Porky's "Taliwacker" scene. Instead, like Harrison Ford, she simply fires one shot and walks away laughing.
First, ladies, it’s hard to take a critic seriously when they lecture you wearing a bear suit. So, it’s difficult for me to drum up much outrage at this latest ad. But, really, lying about a sister while wearing an Ewok outfit is no way to honor our foremothers on the eve of the 90th anniversary of their victory. But, that aside, I’d love to know where you got those get-ups. Halloween is just around the corner, and Piper and Trig would look adorable as little grizzly bears.If you really want to laugh your head off, just check out this video from PalinTV:
Now come on, show me some love for putting Lisa Murkowski's head on a Rhino.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Greg Gutfeld: Warrior of the Week
When Jedediah Bila of Human Events started handing out awards for media insanity of the week, the big winner was Ben Adler, who this blogger took to task earlier this week. Then I got to thinking that maybe I should hand out an award, too. I was holding a high level political strategy meeting with my advisors Jim Beam, Buddy Weiser and a guy named Billy who lives across the street from me when Greg Gutfeld came on Sean Hannity's Great American Panel and said that Sarah Palin exposes idiots just by being herself. We all cheered, Beam and Weiser cheering a little more loudly than the neighbors may have wanted them to. Queue the video and have the presenter walk on stage. This week's Warrior of the Week award goes to Greg Gutfeld.
This was a crazy week for unhinged liberals who had the wheels come off of everything they tried. After unsuccessfully spinning Sarah Palin's Xena-like courageous foray into the lion's den of detraction, hair-torn and frustrated liberals used their rhetorical swords to figuratively kill her in a plane crash. The liberals' heart of darkness, a tell-tale heart, was exposed once again like the Queen of Outer Space's face after her mask was ripped off to reveal the horrible radiation burns that must have been caused by the vitriolic way in which the liberal media handle their inability to advance their morally and intellectually bankrupt ideology in a civil, intellectually honest or ethical way.
Greg Gutfeld, host of Fox News' Red Eye, began his triumphant week (if by triumphant you mean not serving alcohol so as not to offend Muslims who may patronize a gay bar you want to build for them) with a Gregalogue about opening the gay bar next to the mosque near Ground Zero. Turning the Alinsky tactics on the left, Gutfeld went on Glenn Beck to further explain.
The clanging of rhetorical swords you currently hear is a Twitter battle between Gutfeld and Park 51, the developers for the mosque.
Welcome to Gutfeld's brilliant world of the written and spoken word. It's like getting hit in the head by a two by four in such a way that you can't stop laughing. Gutfeld penned this brilliant piece on Big Journalism where he beats Ben Adler like a pitbull at Michael Vick's house, then followed it up with his Monica Crowley "Sarah Palin is an existential threat to liberalism" moment on Hannity. For liberals, it's like drinking a screwdriver, only without the orange juice.
At a time when the right needs to infiltrate the pop culture and find it's intellectually superior version of Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert, Gutfeld comes riding in with his irreverent Red Eye show and group of basement dwellers to seize ownership of the once vacant niche. Destroying the left is more fun now as we laugh with Greg at their hideously absurd tactics and mock their relentless but feeble attempts to destroy the conservative movement and its beloved Sarah Palin.
Silver medal goes to Pamela Geller for her relentless fight against the mosque. The bronze medal is a tie between Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh who fearlessly defend Sarah Palin while also clanging swords with liberals who believe it's okay to allow an incompetent mayor to let an Imam who does not denounce Hamas and who says the United States is an accessory to the crime that happened to place a monument for terrorists that "stabs hearts" right next to Ground Zero.
And if you disagree with me, you are a misogynist, Jew hating race bater who won't let me listen to my Triumph albums because their uplifting lyrics offend your sense of indecency.
This was a crazy week for unhinged liberals who had the wheels come off of everything they tried. After unsuccessfully spinning Sarah Palin's Xena-like courageous foray into the lion's den of detraction, hair-torn and frustrated liberals used their rhetorical swords to figuratively kill her in a plane crash. The liberals' heart of darkness, a tell-tale heart, was exposed once again like the Queen of Outer Space's face after her mask was ripped off to reveal the horrible radiation burns that must have been caused by the vitriolic way in which the liberal media handle their inability to advance their morally and intellectually bankrupt ideology in a civil, intellectually honest or ethical way.
Greg Gutfeld, host of Fox News' Red Eye, began his triumphant week (if by triumphant you mean not serving alcohol so as not to offend Muslims who may patronize a gay bar you want to build for them) with a Gregalogue about opening the gay bar next to the mosque near Ground Zero. Turning the Alinsky tactics on the left, Gutfeld went on Glenn Beck to further explain.
The clanging of rhetorical swords you currently hear is a Twitter battle between Gutfeld and Park 51, the developers for the mosque.
Welcome to Gutfeld's brilliant world of the written and spoken word. It's like getting hit in the head by a two by four in such a way that you can't stop laughing. Gutfeld penned this brilliant piece on Big Journalism where he beats Ben Adler like a pitbull at Michael Vick's house, then followed it up with his Monica Crowley "Sarah Palin is an existential threat to liberalism" moment on Hannity. For liberals, it's like drinking a screwdriver, only without the orange juice.
At a time when the right needs to infiltrate the pop culture and find it's intellectually superior version of Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert, Gutfeld comes riding in with his irreverent Red Eye show and group of basement dwellers to seize ownership of the once vacant niche. Destroying the left is more fun now as we laugh with Greg at their hideously absurd tactics and mock their relentless but feeble attempts to destroy the conservative movement and its beloved Sarah Palin.
Silver medal goes to Pamela Geller for her relentless fight against the mosque. The bronze medal is a tie between Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh who fearlessly defend Sarah Palin while also clanging swords with liberals who believe it's okay to allow an incompetent mayor to let an Imam who does not denounce Hamas and who says the United States is an accessory to the crime that happened to place a monument for terrorists that "stabs hearts" right next to Ground Zero.
And if you disagree with me, you are a misogynist, Jew hating race bater who won't let me listen to my Triumph albums because their uplifting lyrics offend your sense of indecency.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Sarah Rides in and Joins Me in Battle
Today was a wild day. Conservatives4Palin was covering Palin's speech in Georgia for Handel and the the left wing media was just going nuts over a video posted by Shannyn Moore of the Huffington Post. So I pulled out the old rhetorical sword and went carving while most of the Palin army "was down in Georgia." Conservatives4Palin had already softened the target yesterday, but there was no one really out here today. So I figured I would handle some of Sarah Palin's lightwork for her while she was campaigning for Handel in Georgia. Little did I expect her to come riding onto the scene and Jackie Chan the Lamestream Media again.
After pumping out blog posts about the Homer incident while dueling with a twitter buddy who hates Sarah Palin at the same time, I figured I'd sit back on a rock and drink some water from the canteen. It was quite pleasant to see a tweet pop up "There you go again, LSM". Hmmm, I recognize the sound. That must be Excalibur. It's sheathed on Facebook and when it is drawn and used for battle, the entire country hears it.
And in all my analysis on the Shannyn Moore and Newsweek articles, I missed a very basic point. Sarah Palin did not eyeroll. She was looking around Bristol because someone had a camera phone going. When she noticed the camera, she waved.
Here's what Sarah wrote on her Facebook page:
After pumping out blog posts about the Homer incident while dueling with a twitter buddy who hates Sarah Palin at the same time, I figured I'd sit back on a rock and drink some water from the canteen. It was quite pleasant to see a tweet pop up "There you go again, LSM". Hmmm, I recognize the sound. That must be Excalibur. It's sheathed on Facebook and when it is drawn and used for battle, the entire country hears it.
And in all my analysis on the Shannyn Moore and Newsweek articles, I missed a very basic point. Sarah Palin did not eyeroll. She was looking around Bristol because someone had a camera phone going. When she noticed the camera, she waved.
Here's what Sarah wrote on her Facebook page:
While filming the Alaska documentary in Homer, I had a brief discussion with a local lady who, in typical Alaska style, decided to give me her two cents worth about my political leanings, American politics in general, and much else besides. It’s what makes our politics so uniquely democratic: two people discussing the things they care about, even though they respectfully disagree about just about everything (you can watch a brief video of the encounter here).Consider the record straight now.
The LSM has now decided to use this brief encounter for another one of their spin operations. They claim I – wait for it – “appear to roll my eyes” when the lady tells me she’s a teacher. Yes, it’s come to this: the media is now trying to turn my eyebrow movements into story lines. (Maybe that’s why Botox is all the rage – if you can’t move your eyebrows, your “eye rolling” can’t be misinterpreted!) If they had checked their facts first, they would have known that I come from a family of teachers; my grandparents were teachers, my father was a teacher, my brother is a teacher, my sister works in Special Needs classrooms, my aunt is a school nurse, my mom worked as a school secretary for much of her professional life, we all volunteer in classrooms, etc., etc., etc. Given that family history, how likely is it that I would “roll my eyes” at someone telling me that they too work in that honorable profession? Stay classy, LSM.
One good thing to come out of this little episode, though, is that it helps to remind people once again that Alaska is a great state full of independent-minded people. I look forward to introducing you to some of them in the forthcoming documentary series on life in Alaska! The show will remind you to get outdoors, breathe in God’s creation, and taste the freedom!
- Sarah Palin
Sarah Palin: Cool and Courageous
Like a true warrior, Palin walks into the lion's den and handles it. No matter how much Shannyn Moore (Alaska blogger complicit with DNC in Palin smear campaign during 2008 campaign) and Bed Adler (Journolister complicit with media in Palin smear campaign) want to spin it, they did not win the fight.
Sarah Palin showed up and faced her opponent with coolness, grace and dignity. Watch the video yourself.
This manufactured anti-Palin moment is an epic fail for Shannyn Moore and the media flagpole she now tries to fly it up. Newsweek needs a buyer (UPDATE: Newsweek was sold for $1.00, which is more than what a roll of toilet paper costs, thus it is still priced out if its market. END UPDATE.) anyway since it's going belly up and Moore's television show, Moore Up North (rhymes with...), will be surpassed in viewership during the commercial that comes on right before Palin's TLC documentary as millions of Americans finish popping their corn and pouring the sodas in anticipation of seeing what the real Alaska looks like.
From a PR point of view, Alaska will need that documentary as many people are now looking at the damage the likes of Moore and the rest of the malcontents up there are reaking on their state's image.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Putting the Ho Back in Homer (Updated)
Has the Ho been in Homer since long before Sarah Palin got there? Alaska's most notorious blogger got her clocked cleaned, deservedly so, by Conservatives4Palin after three unhinged tweets. The Twit from Homer showed a scary side of herself yesterday with an anger projected tweet where she told Sarah Palin "you'll be sorry. #NOTINMYHOMETOWN." This followed a tweet where she said Palin ""put the Ho in Homer."#gohome." After nearly two years of smearing and lying about Sarah Palin, the frustration in not being able to take her down is showing.
Shannyn Moore has been an aspiring media personality since becoming a contributor to the Huffington Post and MSNBC. She is also a radio talk show host and a television talk show host. Success trainers tell people to avoid negativity, control anger and create a positive persona that would make you attractive to the people who you are trying to get to buy your product or service. But when you're selling hate, those principles aren't needed. As for attracting her audience, another success principle applies: likes attract likes. And in that area, Moore excels given her Palin Derangement Syndrome afflicted following on Twitter, on the radio, on TV and on the Huffington Post.
But, at some point, you run out of disciples of hatred and you max out. Moore has probably maxed out. Now the question becomes who has the better chance of being the most successful: a woman who makes over $12 million a year, who radiates patriotism and love of country and who expresses appreciation for her fans or someone who spews hate and vitriol, radiates a constant desire to protest and complain about her country and who poorly represents her fans by being a hate mongering monster. You make the call.
"Also defying logical explanation is Shannyn's habit of calling a woman who has been married to her high school sweetheart for 21 years a 'whore'" says Conservatives4Palin. So, in trying to figure out where the Ho in Homer is, we turn to a leftover of the free love, hippie generation and wonder if we can make a judgment about Moore as easily as one could run with a judgment that let's say someone is under indictment by the FBI because they are resigning a governorship.
Now this is not a slanderous statement since I'm only drawing a hypothetical. I am not accusing Shannyn Moore of being a Ho. I'm just saying that there are rumors to that effect.
UPDATE 08/09/10: The events that were alluded to in Shannyn Moore's tweets ended up in an article she wrote for the Huffington Post. In that article, she links to a video on the YouTube site MooreUpNorth, which is a television show that Moore hosts in Alaska. The Lamestream Media ran with it and of course, it was another dud. Palin actually comes across as cool and collected, smiling as she engages in "what makes our politics so uniquely democratic: two people discussing the things they care about, even though they respectfully disagree about just about everything." The LSM tried to spin it to make it appear that Palin was being snarky or confrontational. This normally happens when the LSM keeps accepting the junk that Moore sends up the media flagpole for them.
Shannyn Moore has been an aspiring media personality since becoming a contributor to the Huffington Post and MSNBC. She is also a radio talk show host and a television talk show host. Success trainers tell people to avoid negativity, control anger and create a positive persona that would make you attractive to the people who you are trying to get to buy your product or service. But when you're selling hate, those principles aren't needed. As for attracting her audience, another success principle applies: likes attract likes. And in that area, Moore excels given her Palin Derangement Syndrome afflicted following on Twitter, on the radio, on TV and on the Huffington Post.
But, at some point, you run out of disciples of hatred and you max out. Moore has probably maxed out. Now the question becomes who has the better chance of being the most successful: a woman who makes over $12 million a year, who radiates patriotism and love of country and who expresses appreciation for her fans or someone who spews hate and vitriol, radiates a constant desire to protest and complain about her country and who poorly represents her fans by being a hate mongering monster. You make the call.
"Also defying logical explanation is Shannyn's habit of calling a woman who has been married to her high school sweetheart for 21 years a 'whore'" says Conservatives4Palin. So, in trying to figure out where the Ho in Homer is, we turn to a leftover of the free love, hippie generation and wonder if we can make a judgment about Moore as easily as one could run with a judgment that let's say someone is under indictment by the FBI because they are resigning a governorship.
Now this is not a slanderous statement since I'm only drawing a hypothetical. I am not accusing Shannyn Moore of being a Ho. I'm just saying that there are rumors to that effect.
UPDATE 08/09/10: The events that were alluded to in Shannyn Moore's tweets ended up in an article she wrote for the Huffington Post. In that article, she links to a video on the YouTube site MooreUpNorth, which is a television show that Moore hosts in Alaska. The Lamestream Media ran with it and of course, it was another dud. Palin actually comes across as cool and collected, smiling as she engages in "what makes our politics so uniquely democratic: two people discussing the things they care about, even though they respectfully disagree about just about everything." The LSM tried to spin it to make it appear that Palin was being snarky or confrontational. This normally happens when the LSM keeps accepting the junk that Moore sends up the media flagpole for them.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Update From the Front
It's bloody, but it's their blood
The ordinary barbarians and the heavy artillery have been on a major offensive the past several weeks. Sarah the Great has fully, yet informally, taken charge now and is assaulting Barack the Barbarian and his minions ferociously. She is taking no prisoners as the army draws closer to the Capitol. Latest reports from headquarters are promising. It appears the Democrats are losing ground and morale is low. There are extremely encouraging signs that we will be able to take at least the House of Representatives by November and possibly, but with a much lesser certainty, the Senate.
Taking the House would in effect give us control of the Capitol. Even if the Senate is not taken, it can be effectively neutralized by gains in territory and seats. At that point, the Obama agenda could be stymied and the leadership team could assemble itself in preparation for the final piece in taking back the country: the White House.
Sarah Palin has been ruthless. She has been pounding the President almost daily.
We didn't know about this in advance, but a major bunker buster fired off by the Daily Caller blew the liberal media right out of the water. The media, you will recall, was the heavy artillery that played a major part in defeating us in 2008. Winning that major offensive severely weakens the one force that we needed to overcome in order to take our country back. Sarah assisted the Daily Caller with a killer skewering of "sick puppies" and "yahoos" in the media. After devastating the media, she mocked them on Fox News Sunday by writing on her hand.
Andrew Breitbart, Tucker Carlson and Brent Bozell all received gold stars for brilliantly taking down the media just in time for the contenders for 2012 to prepare to win back the hearts and minds of the people, who polls are showing are more and more in favor of having us take it back. The only question remains whether Sarah the Great can muster enough support among our own ranks to be selected as our supreme ruler. er.. presidential nominee officially.
Palin commissioned Todd Tiahrt to take the Senate in Kansas, but he was killed by friendly fire. Jim the Magnificent backed Jay Moran who took the nomination and now looks to be headed toward the Senate in a state that we already control. It was a heartbreaking loss for the Palinistas, but the movement as a whole will not be harmed and the seat will not be lost.
Bob the General in Virginia along with Ken the Compass have been making huge progress in pushing back on the tyrannical health care decree from King Obama. A victory in court would make it impossible to enforce this decree on the battlefield. Gold stars await them following a hearing in November and possibly a supreme court case.
Speaking of the court, Obama forces are advancing in their battle to get Elena the Kagan onto the Supreme Court in the hopes that she will help him uphold his health care decree. Barack also sued Jan the Brewer's state of Arizona and won a stay on their immigration law. Sarah the Great was great was angered and slashed Barack the Barbarian in the groin. She told Sean the Great American that we should not rubber stamp Kagan.
She continues to beat him bloody on her Facebook page, challenging him to a duel (okay, a debate - I overdo this stuff sometimes lol).
Sarah also took on the Imam of New York, otherwise known as Mike the Mayor, a despotic dictator who controls the eating habits of his subjects. Coming to the aid of Atlas Shrugs, she brought her might to the battle, but the territory around the hallowed Ground Zero is in enemy hands now and stopping them from building a mosque there will take more than we got right now considering the fact that we are advancing on other key fronts.
Sarah the Great's mockery of the left and the liberal media on Fox News Sunday angered them so much that they brutally attacked her on Politifact. She unsheathed her sword and immediately defeated them in battle. Ed the Morrissey arrived on the scene and declared the battle over with Sarah the victor.
The lady fights like Xena and is a much leveled up version of what she was in 2008 (and she was pretty powerful then).
The ordinary barbarians and the heavy artillery have been on a major offensive the past several weeks. Sarah the Great has fully, yet informally, taken charge now and is assaulting Barack the Barbarian and his minions ferociously. She is taking no prisoners as the army draws closer to the Capitol. Latest reports from headquarters are promising. It appears the Democrats are losing ground and morale is low. There are extremely encouraging signs that we will be able to take at least the House of Representatives by November and possibly, but with a much lesser certainty, the Senate.
Taking the House would in effect give us control of the Capitol. Even if the Senate is not taken, it can be effectively neutralized by gains in territory and seats. At that point, the Obama agenda could be stymied and the leadership team could assemble itself in preparation for the final piece in taking back the country: the White House.
Sarah Palin has been ruthless. She has been pounding the President almost daily.
We didn't know about this in advance, but a major bunker buster fired off by the Daily Caller blew the liberal media right out of the water. The media, you will recall, was the heavy artillery that played a major part in defeating us in 2008. Winning that major offensive severely weakens the one force that we needed to overcome in order to take our country back. Sarah assisted the Daily Caller with a killer skewering of "sick puppies" and "yahoos" in the media. After devastating the media, she mocked them on Fox News Sunday by writing on her hand.
Andrew Breitbart, Tucker Carlson and Brent Bozell all received gold stars for brilliantly taking down the media just in time for the contenders for 2012 to prepare to win back the hearts and minds of the people, who polls are showing are more and more in favor of having us take it back. The only question remains whether Sarah the Great can muster enough support among our own ranks to be selected as our supreme ruler. er.. presidential nominee officially.
Palin commissioned Todd Tiahrt to take the Senate in Kansas, but he was killed by friendly fire. Jim the Magnificent backed Jay Moran who took the nomination and now looks to be headed toward the Senate in a state that we already control. It was a heartbreaking loss for the Palinistas, but the movement as a whole will not be harmed and the seat will not be lost.
Bob the General in Virginia along with Ken the Compass have been making huge progress in pushing back on the tyrannical health care decree from King Obama. A victory in court would make it impossible to enforce this decree on the battlefield. Gold stars await them following a hearing in November and possibly a supreme court case.
Speaking of the court, Obama forces are advancing in their battle to get Elena the Kagan onto the Supreme Court in the hopes that she will help him uphold his health care decree. Barack also sued Jan the Brewer's state of Arizona and won a stay on their immigration law. Sarah the Great was great was angered and slashed Barack the Barbarian in the groin. She told Sean the Great American that we should not rubber stamp Kagan.
She continues to beat him bloody on her Facebook page, challenging him to a duel (okay, a debate - I overdo this stuff sometimes lol).
Sarah also took on the Imam of New York, otherwise known as Mike the Mayor, a despotic dictator who controls the eating habits of his subjects. Coming to the aid of Atlas Shrugs, she brought her might to the battle, but the territory around the hallowed Ground Zero is in enemy hands now and stopping them from building a mosque there will take more than we got right now considering the fact that we are advancing on other key fronts.
Sarah the Great's mockery of the left and the liberal media on Fox News Sunday angered them so much that they brutally attacked her on Politifact. She unsheathed her sword and immediately defeated them in battle. Ed the Morrissey arrived on the scene and declared the battle over with Sarah the victor.
The lady fights like Xena and is a much leveled up version of what she was in 2008 (and she was pretty powerful then).
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